
Most recent booking was from Warsaw.

Apartament Rent Studio Angel City

Floor: 2
Surface: 28m2
Number of rooms: 1
Amenities: WASHING MACHINE, shower, Parking

Price and contact

Monthly fees: 6500 PLN

Minimum rental period:1 month

Telephone contact:

+48 7XX XXX XXX Show phone

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Flatsw sąsiedztwie

The apartments in the same building:

AC6, AC100, AC105, AC114

Apartments in the near distance: (to 200m)

Jim Beam, Malibu, AC138, AC135, AC136, AC140, AC137, Mojito, Curaçao, Cinzano , Amaretto, AC134, AC26, Margarita, Kadarka, J.Walker, AC139, AC2, AC5, AC3, AC12, AC22, AC50, AC39, AC33, AC19, AC15, AC133, AC132, AC130, AC129, AC128, AC127, AC126, AC131, AC7, AC1, AC4, AC8, AC10, AC11, AC14, AC17, AC18, AC20, AC21, AC23, AC24, AC25, AC27, AC28, AC29, AC98, AC61, AC63, AC31, AC32, AC62, AC64, AC34, AC35, AC36, AC37, AC66, AC67, AC38, AC68, AC69, AC71, AC72, AC40, AC73, AC41, AC42, AC76, AC43, AC77, AC44, AC45, AC46, AC48, AC78, AC51, AC79, AC80, AC52, AC53, AC54, AC55, AC56, AC58, AC59, AC118, AC119, AC121, AC122, AC123, AC124, AC125, AC81, AC83, AC85, AC86, AC87, AC88., AC90, AC91, AC92, AC94, AC95, AC96, AC97, AC99, AC101, AC107, AC108, AC109, AC110, AC111, AC115, AC116, AC117, AC93, AC30, AC9, AC120, AC84

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+48 12 11 34

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